Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What's Out Wednesday!

Again, I'm only going to post about what is out that I changed! The kids have been loving the school room and certain things (legos, blocks, art supplies ext.) will almost always be out!
My sister let us borrow this puzzle again! It is magnetic.
I put out a little card writing activity. There are cards, envelopes and cards with words on them to copy.
The sorting tray is so popular and the kids love when they see something new in it! I love using the same tray because it makes it really easy on me and they already know the rules and how to use it even when I put out something new!
This egg tray was a little goodwill gift from my sister because she knows I've been wanting one! This tray is for making patterns and I hope to have it out all the time and just switch out the objects in the middle. This will be a lot like the sorting tray:)
Our new sensory item is pom pom balls and they are a hit! I included some containers, scoops, tongs, and a little yellow tube for stuffing as many pom poms as you can:) The kids love filling the tube up and watching them pop out the end as they put more in:)


  1. Your activities are so Montessorish :-)
    Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. I'm so glad you shared about the pom poms in the sensory tub. I was getting tired of the beans and never thought of using the pom poms. I had several bags of them in my closet (from the target dollar spot) so I pulled them out for the kids this morning. They played with them for over an hour. It was awesome and they loved it. Thank you!

  3. I love your blog and am THRILLED to see what's out wednesday back. I look forward to it every week. You have great ideas.


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