Saturday, May 22, 2010


Caden has been really interested in writing letters and words. This was the first word he ever wrote about a week or so ago! He was so proud to show me!

This is his second word...Ummmm I'm not sure what it means:)
I took a work book that I bought from Costco a few months ago and used the writing practice pages to put together a Dry Erase work book for him. He has chosen this off of his shelf sooooo many times and will work on it for a hour or more at times! This is the perfect example of how to follow your child's interests! If they are interested they will learn faster, happier, and retain the information better. He's loving it!


  1. ahhhh how exciting! =) So neat. Aren't you glad you got a picture of it?!

  2. That is so awesome! His first written words! He looks pretty pleased with himself, too!


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