Monday, May 24, 2010

Activities We've Been Upto

Our schoolroom is done as far as function is concerned:) It still needs some color and accessories but we have been enjoying it! Jack has been doing some activities in his little booster chair. He really enjoyed this activity that I got at the dollar store.
Drake and Caden have both enjoyed sorting these marbles by size.
I printed off this letter sheet for Caden. I just used little circles in Paintbrush and used them to form the letters. Caden used stickers to fill in each circle. He loved this so I will be making the rest of the letters.
Drake has really been enjoying working with the playdoh. There are shape cookie cutters out right now and after we cut out all of the shapes Drake matched the cutters up with the playdoh shapes.
Spooning Marbles


  1. can you email me? I have a question but can't find your email address. Thanks

  2. Hi!
    I just got a "Featured on The Activity Mom" button. As you know, I've featured your spelling mats and the awesome bean funnel. If you want a button, come on over and grab the code.
    Either way, thanks for your great posts and inspiration!

  3. Great post, I will be linking. If you don't want to be featured please let me know.

  4. I just found your blog through pinterest. Thanks for sharing your great ideas!

  5. What fun..i want to live next to you so my grandkiddos can go over to play!

  6. So much learning fun..I want to live next door so my grandkiddos & i can go over to play!

  7. I like your idea, but would be weary about a child using marbles, such a chocking hazard. Maybe a soft candy.


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