Thursday, April 29, 2010

Watching Grass Grow!

We are waiting for our beautiful grass to grow! The boys can't wait! We have a very large patio so we still go outside but we have to settle for watching the grass and dreaming of playing on it:)
I've been trying to come up with things for them to do on the patio and this is one that was fun for about 10 minutes:)
Paint Brushes + Cups of Water= Good Clean Fun

Caden was very proud of this swirl!


  1. Hi,
    You have been featured on The Montessori Goldmine, please pop over and have a look, if you are not happy with the post please let me know, I will happily remove it. If you are happy, please help me spread the word, help yourself to a badge and tell all your friends. Thanks,

  2. That sounds so fun and easy! We're going to have to try this.:)


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