Monday, April 26, 2010

Caden's Reading Chart

I started this reading chart with Caden about a month and a half ago. I made it thinking we would just use it to fill in with stickers but it became a goal instead. I told him if he filled the whole thing in he could pick any book he wanted from Costco. Every time he would read one of his BOB books or one of the books I made for him he would get a sticker for each book. He would read 5 books at a time sometimes so it filled up quickly.
He chose this giant McQueen Sticker and Activity book and is in love with it:)
The reason we started the chart was because Caden was having trouble getting motivated when I would ask him to read books. Once we got started reading he would love it! We would laugh and he would bask in the praise after each page read. So the sticker chart was a great way to get him started on those days he didn't feel like practicing and then the joy of reading would take over! Now he realizes how fun it is to read and discover new books so I think it was a success:)


  1. I love the idea of rewarding reading by buying books. THAT is a good system!

  2. That is such a good idea! I think we'll be implementing it over here.

  3. How Funny! That is exactly how we started out! The stickers on a paper.. the bob books and readers... the choosing a new book. Also, I was a preschool teacher before becoming a SAHM as well.


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