Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Butterfly Life Cycle

Since we have been butterfly crazy around hear we have been doing some little crafts and we put them all together to make a butterfly life cycle!

The projects are simple, the first one is a chrysalis! I cut out two pieces of styrofoam and the boys used glue with paint brushes to attach little bit of tissue paper. We talked about how the caterpillars have to cover themselves up so that they will be safe while changing into a butterfly!

This one is a classic! Egg carton caterpillars! Do I even need to post directions for this one?:) Drake's tore so it's a smaller caterpillar;)

The eggs are little Easter egg halves:) The boys dipped them in glue and stuck them to the green leaf paper that I had already cut out. We talked about how the adult female butterfly uses a sticky glue that her body makes to to stick her eggs to leaves that she knows her babies will like:)

All of these were fun to make and the boys love showing them off and telling anyone who will listen, all about butterflies:)


  1. thanks for this great idea.. we did it too and loved it :)

  2. thank you for this picure. it helps for my project in science.thank you so much i got fun of this

  3. Loved this craft it is beautiful!

  4. I loved this craft it is beautiful! We will try it!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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