Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Bug

I wrote this story for Caden and he loves it!!!! It's his favorite to read to his family and friends! It's a very easy read with a lot of it and is practice:) Caden Loves reading it to me and telling me where the bug is hiding:) When I printed it for him I had the Character's name as Caden but I left it blank so that you can put your own child's name:) If you have a little girl you could easily draw some hair on the stick figure to make him a girl:) I formatted the pages so that you can print them double sided and then cut them horizontally down the middle. Then use a piece of card stock as the cover. Fold them all in half and staple down the middle :) The title page and "the End" page can be glued onto the cover or whatever? Please leave a comment if you download it:) And tell me if there are any issues. I have never done this before:) Also, I don't have a color printer yet so I just added a little color to mine with color pencils:) It turned out cute:)


  1. It works! Well....I couldn't figure out the double sided part with my printer (lol) but the link and the google docs worked great! B is LOVING the books you shared the other day. His favorite is "The Nap". Thank you SO much for sharing these!

  2. Oh, thanks for doing this! It's awesome!

  3. I can't wait to download this. Thanks so much! Ps just got back from costco today and they have the bob book sets again!!

  4. Thanks for sharing! What a good idea!

  5. Just wanted to say that the link does not work. It links to Activity Mom's blog :(


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