Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Butterflies are amazing! They all emerged and flew away! I was so happy that all 10 made it! 7 of them all emerged within an hour of each other! I was so grateful for the educational experience that the boys had while watching this amazing process! I was so proud when my nieces came over and Caden described the whole butterfly Life Cycle to them! totally recommend doing this with your children! We are going to get some praying mantis next!


  1. We raise eastern black swallowtails most years. They lay their eggs on our parsley and we put them in a safe container to keep them from the birds and assassin bugs once they hatch. It really is amazing to watch.

  2. You know your whole butterfly thingy with your kids got me thinkin' day our lil' caterpillars we call our "babies" will one day turn into butterflies and leave us for amazing blue skies out there. I hope I have the strength to let them go when the time comes.:)


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