Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pretty Flowers!

These flowers are in my sister Misty's front yard:)

She had to solve the problem of the children tripping over this stump without removing it! I think it is so cute and fun! She drilled holes about an inch and a half down (deeper would probably be better). She bought a bunch of dollar store flowers and stuck them in:) So pretty and no more tripping kids:)

Here's Drake having fun rearranging the flowers with his cousin:) I have a stump in my backyard that I would love to do this with:)


  1. What a GREAT work! Thanks for posting!

    Jody from Mommy Moment

  2. I make a wooden block toy like that in my shop ! My little florist loves arranging and rearranging them in the holes - and it's a great fine motor skill builder! (kind of like threading or lacing...) Thanks for sharing.

  3. Just wanted to let you know I'll be linking to you tomorrow! Thanks for sharing all your fun ideas!


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