Friday, March 19, 2010

Pizza Shapes

Nate told me he had to work late so I decided to do a fun dinner with the boys:)

You will need; Pizza sauce, cheese, pizza crust and large cookie cutters:)

I started by letting the boys choose their cookie cutters and we tried to fit as many on the crust as we could. We then removed the outside dough and putter our pizza shapes on the pan:) The boys used a spoon to spread the sauce and then sprinkled cheese on each pizza.

They turned out soooo cute and the boys were so excited to make them and watch them bake:) Great way to pass the time till daddy got home:)


  1. We love to do this too - but we use refrigerator biscuits & flatten them out. We also use olives & peppers to make faces. :)

  2. yeeha! i love this dinner. i never thought of it before, thanks for the idea (i'm stealing the fuit and picks one below too)


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