Monday, March 15, 2010

Outdoor Water Table!

So I started using our Radio Flyer Wagon as a tub holder for water play! Only you mommies will appreciate how COOL it is that I found a new tub that fits perfectly into the wagon!! I was soooooo stoked! All three boys will spend a half hour to and hour playing in the tub and I love it. Some activities we have done in the tub; water with soap and dishes, ping pong balls with dollar store sieves(they LOVED this), Shaving Cream, paper mache, sea creatures, river stones with buckets, water, and scoops, and a few more I can't think of!

If you don't have a "super awesome tub that fits perfectly into a radio flyer wagon" then you could always put the tub on the ground or on a little picnic bench:) The boys love it and I even play quite a bit:)


  1. I LOVE this! I was just thinking today how my kids would like something like this as we were at the children's museum. What a great idea!

  2. Great idea! What a great way to use the wagon. I love this idea instead of buying a water table. I'm going to give it a try. Also great ideas for different things to do in the tubs.


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