Friday, March 5, 2010

I Love this Book!

More importantly the boys love it!
It's all about a little dog you goes around town and get covered in different colored spots:) It's great for practicing colors and simple addition and counting. The boys love to retell how the dog got all of the spots at the end of the book! I love that they are working on their reading comprehension and loving it:)

We also did a little extra activity. I used the cover of the book to trace a the dog onto a piece of
white paper with a black marker. I gave the boys Glitter Glue and Crayon rocks and as I read the story they would add the spots of the right color in the right spot! Caden loved it and followed along very well while Drake smeared his dog with pink glitter;)

I also want to make a felt board set so that they can re-tell the story. That's not going to happen because I can't find my felt:( It's in a box somewhere! It would be fun to make a little button board with felt circles:)

1 comment:

  1. We will have to check this book out, it looks real cute! My kids would love the dog in the book!


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