Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy First Birthday Jack!!!

I can't believe that my baby is 1! I know people say that all the time but really I cried today when I put him down for bed! I Love watching my boys grow and learn but I'm not ready for my little Jack-Jack to grow up! He's too Innocent and sweet! Since this blog is for my on records as well as to share with all of you I am going to write s note my sweet boy on hi special day:)
From the moment you were born I knew there was something amazing about you! When I held you I could feel your sweet spirit and I couldn't get enough! This whole year you have been such a fun person to have in our family. You have me and your daddy rapped around your little finger. You and I just stopped nursing and it was not easy for me! I knew it was the right time because you were ready but I knew how much I would miss that time with you! You would cover your eyes with your arm and make funny little grunting noises that I would mimic and you would laugh! I will treasure those moments with you! As you start this new year heading into being a toddler I am so grateful that you have brothers who adore you and family who light up when they see you! You are so important to us and I am so excited to watch you grow this year! I'm crying as I write this to you because my heart is so full of love for you! Happy Birthday Baby Jack! I love you so much!
Your Mommy!


  1. Aw, he's adorable! God bless him. I always cry on my children's
    Have a beautiful day!
    Hugs from PR

  2. Awhhhh! How sweet! I cried too!!!! I made Hannah a picture book from apple and while I inserted the pictures of her first year....I was soooo saddd! Happy Birthday Jack!!!

  3. You made me cry! My youngest is already 4 weeks old and it makes me wish he (& my other kids) didn't have to grow up so dang fast!!!

  4. Boy has the year gone are such a good Mom Sam....Jack is very blessed!:)

  5. Super sweet pics! Happy Birthday Jack!


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