Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fun Side Walk Games

I love creating side walk games for the boys! It's such a great way to get them moving while teaching them too! We've practiced Numbers and Letters before and this day I decided to play with colors and following directions:) I drew a bunch of circles in different colors, while making paths. Some paths are harder then others! See how easy Green is? The idea is to choose a color and then jump in only that color as you make it to the other side:) We also did some racing! We each chose a color and then raced across! Somehow I always lost;)

As an added challenge you never knew when one of your circles would be blocked by a cute little baby!!!
We also did some line walking:)


  1. So fun! That is a perfect activity to get us moving this afternoon. thanks! =)

  2. I can do this! Thanks for the idea!

  3. What fun, we'll be doing this after naptime! I have an award for you over on my blog. http://musicalmama08.blogspot.com/2010/03/some-awards-to-share.html

  4. These are great ideas! Thanks!

  5. What I love about your ideas is that they don't cost hardly anything...except time. And that isn't hard to give up considering what you get...a fun activity to do with your kids.

  6. Thanks for the idea! I love it!

  7. You are one of my posts of the week: http://www.jdaniel4smom.com/2010/04/great-posts-i-came-across-this-week.html

  8. Thank you! You inspired an amazing afternoon of playing and learning. I blogged about our variations, here:

  9. I saw a link to your post on Babble today and I absolutely love this idea. Sidewalk chalk by itself is starting to get a little old....

  10. I love this!! I could use it in the classroom -- good outdoor activity!

  11. Fun! Found you through Pinterest, and I'm going to repin. :)

  12. Oh my goodness, my son will love this game! Trying it this weekend :) Found you via I Dig Pinterest.
    - Lora

  13. This is such a wonderful gross/visual motor idea! Thank you for sharing - I will do the same:)


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