Friday, March 19, 2010

Fun Food!

OK all you Muffin Tin Mommies and fancy food makers I give:) I haven't given very much but I did buy some little heart picks at the dollar store:) I know, bold right?? LOL! I just cut up strawberries and cheese and then the boys poked them and ate them!

Caden started to make shish kabobs:)
We did it with apples too and the boys love it!
I think I will do more things like this! It was fun for me and the boys and it was great fine motor practice! They also sat for longer at snack and took more sensible bites! I might even try a muffin tin Meal:) TeeHee:)


  1. I absolutely LOVE your blog! I teach preK and K part-time and have 3 (4 and under) little ones of my own, so your content is perfect! What an awesome blog!!!
    Teacher Tam's Educational Adventures


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