Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chalk Board

LOVE CHALKBOARDS!!! I love the freedom of chalk! Caden had a lesson at church about being thankful for Water and all of the things that water does for us. We he got home he was telling me all about it and was very interested in how the water got up in the clouds so I whipped out my chalk and drew this little diagram for him.
He loved it! He was so engaged and I even saw him trying to redraw it and explain it to Daddy:) The reason a chalk board is so great is I could give Caden a little lesson right then and there while he was interested in the subject! I found that children will learn and retain something so much better if they are interested:)


  1. I'm loving that. I can't wait 'till Sarah is old enough for those things.

  2. Love the illustration! So true about retaining something they are interested in.


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