Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pounding a Puzzle

I found this puzzle at the Dollar Tree and I got the idea to use his hammer to pound the letters in from this blog. I can't find the exact post:( He has done the entire puzzle 10 times since we got it 2 days ago:) I'd say it's a hit! And it was only a dollar!!!!


  1. I had that puzzle in my hands and put it down. shoot! now I want it. great idea!

  2. H! I have been following your blog since before Christmas but thought it time to introduce myself and let you know how wonderful I think your ideas are - and what a great mother / teacher you are for your children. Moms like you inspire me to do what I do. I have a little online shop making baby loveys and learning toys for children 0-kindergarten-ish. Anyway, it has granted me the opportunity to stay at home with my now 2-year old. I am constantly on the lookout for new ideas - things to make - create - explore - and share with my daughter. Thanks for sharing your world with us :)


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