Sunday, February 21, 2010

Plant a Tree!

We planted our first tree!! We had so much fun doing this as a family! Caden and Drake thought it was so great! Caden worked really hard and wanted to use the big shovel! When I say he worked hard, I mean he WORKED HARD! He was grunting and everything:)

Drake helped step on dirt clumps:)
Three boys in a hole:)
Both boys helped Daddy fill in the hole with mulch and dirt and put the tree in the hole!
We took a picture of the boys with the tree and hope to take more as it grows bigger! It will be fun to look at the tree years from now and tell they boys "you were this big when we planted that tree!" I just hope it lives:) I don't know if I could take telling the boys we have to dig up their tree because it's dead:(


  1. I LOVE this! My brother planted a tree for each kid - and then took their pictures by them each year on their birthday. Totally rockin' idea!

  2. Looks like so much fun!
    Also, I just linked to your post of making Baby crinkly squares. I made some a while ago for my little baby and he loves them!


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