Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Name Tracing Plates

I've been wanting to make some sand paper letters but haven't gotten around to it. Caden loves tracing and when we made our Family Rules Poster I realized that the glitter glue dried very well and had a great texture to it! I traced my finger over it and it didn't shed a single spec of glitter so I whipped these up:)

It's starts out very bubbly but when it dries it flattens out perfectly!
Caden really enjoyed and worked with it several times! (ignore the filthy window sill! We haven't painted every where yet:)
Drake loved it too but he didn't trace it as much but he loved pointing out the letters in his name!


  1. Genius!
    What an AMAZING idea! Wow you really are creative!
    I may have to do this and link back to you!

  2. Awesome! I tried it with glue and it didn't quite dry right. I have one of these pens. I'm going to try it today! thanks!

  3. This is yet another fabulous idea! Just wanted you to know that I love the fact that if I ever need an idea or need to get inspired about something, I can usually do so by coming to your blog. Thank you for posting all your ideas. Several are in the works here at our home! Its obvious you're a wonderful loving mother because you care so much about what and how their learning it. Keep up your hard work!

  4. I recently blogged about the same idea and just today came across your post - your name plates are much better than mine:)

  5. Silly question --- what do you DO with these??


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