Sunday, February 28, 2010

Color Grading

So we have been painting A LOT!!! The whole house is getting painted room by room and I'm getting a little sick of it! I will survive! It will be worth it it the end:) Anywho, we have a lot of different colors that we are using and the guy at Home Depot handed me a huge hand full of paint stirrers. I didn't need all of them so I used them to make a color grading activity for Caden but it was WAY to easy! I am going to go back and get the paint samples that have 5 or 6 colors on it to make it more of a challenge for him.

The How To:

First cut your paint sample so that you have as big of a rectangle as possible without having the printed letters on it. Then use a saw(or a kitchen knife or box cutter) to cut the the wood into even pieces. Glue the paint samples on and cover it with a coat of Modpodge and you are done! I'll post again when I get the more advanced set done.

The idea of this activity is for the child to grade the colors from lightest to darkest. It helps the child strengthen their visual differentiation skills:)

P.S. How cute is this sweet boy?!?!?


  1. What a great idea. I have a heap of these too from my last visit to the hardware shop. I just need to hunt out some suitable wood. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  2. Another good idea!
    I've also used sample laminate chips for
    sorting,matching and grading.
    These are available anywhere kitchen
    cabinets are sold. The textured ones
    are a great extension to the regular
    colors. You'd be amazed at the variety!


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