Friday, January 22, 2010

Two Things...

1- We are in our house!!!!!! We are so happy but working crazy hard so I'm still not ready to go full Bloggy again but I want to so bad! Caden and Drake are really missing "school". (Random shot of the backyard :) I got a super cute pick of all of us infront of the house but I'm can't post it due to saftey:)
2- We are expecting baby number 4!!!!! I'm so Excited and so glad that we are in a house now so that we will have room for a new baby! I'm due August 31st:)


  1. Congrats on your new baby, and your new house!

  2. Congratulations!! This is a really exciting time for your family;) Enjoy.

  3. Congrats on the new baby. Glad you are back on the blog, hopefully full time soon! :)

  4. Wow! The title should have been "Two REALLY BIG things" haha. Congratulations on both~!

  5. Wow. Congratulations on the house and the baby!
    That is fabulous!

  6. Hoorraay for you!! Just in time. Are you going to find out if you're having a boy or girl? It's the season for girls you know.

  7. Hopefully you get a girl this time! Congrats on both...and thanks for getting back to blogging, I missed your posts! :)


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