Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Our first day back to School!

I just rummaged through my boxes and came up with a few activities for C to do yesterday and to say he was excited would be a huge understatement!

Me: Hey buddy I was thinking we could have some school time today!
C: School time!!!! SCHOOL TIME! Oh Yay school time!
Me: Is that a yes? :)

I let C choose the activities he wanted to do and he chose cutting first and then gluing.

Then he chose his "workbook".

I Poured out some of these stones out on the table and asked C to sort them. I didn't give him any other instructions because I wanted to see if he remembered how to sort:) It's been a month after all! He did remember and he put them in little lines so when I asked him to count them it was easier:) We also talked about which color had the most and least:)

Then he used stickers to spell his name:)

All of these activities were so simple but he loved them!! He was so happy to be doing these activities and we are going to start a little school time each day again! I can't stop now after seeing how much he missed it!


  1. How old is he? Just trying to get a sense of what activities my 31month old could do. The sorting forsure. And cutting I know would be good too.

  2. I was about to ask the same old is he? I've been thinking about activities for my 3-year-old, especially pre-reading since she seems to be very interested in putting letters together.

  3. Hey I know you don't have time for emails (we just moved too and you and I have about the same age kids each about a year a part so I understand). I want to teach my 2.5yr old how to use scissors. It's kinda been hard. How'd you do that with Caden? And then as far as teaching letters. Did you focus on helping him identify letters by name first of focus on the sound first. I'm having a hard time getting started on this with my kidos because I'm stuck on which way to do it.

    Thanks as always!

  4. What a great day! He seemed to really enjoy it!

  5. Hi, I have an award for you on my blog. Have a nice day!

  6. Wow! Cool puzzles! Thanks for sharing the ideas. I'm gonna go make some now(0:

  7. I like your sorting activity with the colorful stones and that your son can spell out his name with stickers. Very fun! I found your blog through a pin on Pinterest (which mentioned your blog as a great place to find activities for young children.) Since I have four two-year olds, I had to come by and check it out. Ours are the same age as one of yours (Nov of 2010).


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