Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not back Yet...

I just felt like posting:) I guess this is kind of a review. The boys have been loving their IKEA train set. We bought our own set and then Grandpa got some more so we have plenty of them! The picture was from FHE where we all worked together to build the tracks and then you mega blocks to make tunnels and land marks. The boys had a ton off fun and so did me and Nate! When Caden works on the trains himself he builds very long and it never connects back together but he can build the "special parts"(the raised parts) all by himself now. I recommend this toy because it is quality built, very affordable, and it will be a good toy for years! Caden has been playing since he was a year old! Anyway, gotta get back to packing:)


  1. We bought this same set for Blythe when she was much younger. We LOVE this! :) Now get back to packing.

  2. We love our train set! I nominated you for a blog award - stop by and pick it up! Happy packing!

  3. We have the same train set and we love it too! Never thought to pull out the Megablocks to make bridges though.....

  4. We happened to try the brindges/tunnel thing for the first time last night. The train set is by far one of the most used items in our house!

  5. I also nominated you for a blog award! Come see!

  6. Packing can be a hassle. Good thing you know how to keep the boys busy! I just moved recently myself. I enjoy your blog...very personal and touching.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. We have been doing this with Duplo and Ikea tracks its great fun!


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