Thursday, December 10, 2009

Drake's Birthday Cake!

I forgot to post about Drake's birthday cake! My sister, Summer, designed and made it! It could be easily adapted to be horses, giraffes, elephants or any other animal that your child likes! Drake loved it! The green is piped on green stars and she warmed up some blue icing so that it pooled out like a little pond. The rocks are chocolate chips:) So Fun and pretty simple to put together:)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Make Your Own Christmas Tree!

I took 5 pieces of green construction paper and folded them in half length wise. I then cut the shape of the Christmas tree out, making sure the "branches" curve up ward. Glue them or use double sided tape then fan them out and tape the bottom of the tree to a piece of card board.
I used beads, bells, and pipe cleaners to make little ornaments. Drake is really enjoying it and I even like decorating it:) :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Art!

Our cork board is starting to look quite festive! We made some Snowmen using craft foam, buttons, felt and ribbons. Caden loved it but Drake had no interest so I made his:) I printed some Christmas trees and the boys used stickers to decorate them. This was not a crowd pleaser:( I'm going to look for some clearance Christmas stickers this year. The latest one is the green construction paper trees. The boys covered them in glue then sprinkled colored rice on the glue, then more glue, then glitter. They both liked this but Caden LOVED it!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Costco Rocks!!!!!

I love Costco and they had this shelf there for 47 dollars! I really wanted it but I decided to wait till we got in to the house but guess what?!?!?! I went to Costco today and they only had 2 left so the marked it down to 24.00$!!!!! How cool is that! Even on the Costco website it is 59.99!

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Christmas Idea!

So I have this fun Christmas idea that I can't do this year so I thought I would share so that someone Else might do it!If you do it, tell so I can live vicariously through you:)

My idea is to have a present making and wrapping station! Next year I should have a real art area which I will transform in to "Present Central" for the month of December! I will prepare this year by saving left over wrapping paper and buy those little tiny gift bags when they go on sale for 90 percent off and maybe look for some Christmas craft things as well!

Here's how I would set it up! First there would lots of different craft things in fun holiday colors: pom poms, craft sticks, glitter glue, paint, jingle bells, pipe cleaners, little blocks, quick drying clay, and anything Else that I can think of!

The boys will decide who they want to make a gift for and then create a one of a kind;) gift for that person. There will be a drying rack to place the creations!

Once they are dry they will wrap them and we will work together to write the name of the person and deliver it to them!

I can totally see the boys giving gifts to each other all day long:)

I'll just day dream this year:)


I've been asked what I will be getting the boys for Christmas and the answer is... A house!!! the Bank accepted our offer that we have had on a short sale home for 4 months!!! Our closing Date is not set in stone yet but they are looking at Dec 31st! Since all of our money will be going to that we will be keeping it small this year!

The boy's are getting hand made blankets for Christmas and some stocking stuffers this year but if I were going to get them some new toys (they both just had their birthdays so we have gotten plenty of toys form family!) I would get these...

Easel on it's a really fancy one but I would also love the one from Ikea!

Wooden Mellisa and Doug Clock Puzzle Caden has been very interested in the telling time:)

2 sets of these Wooden Letters by Melissa and Doug

Can you tell I love Costco and Melissa and Doug!! Cause I do!

also, someone commented about this cleaning set and it's on and in the store as well:)

Talking Cleaning Set
One more thing, Drake's Grandma got him this magnetic boy that you can dress up and both boys are loving it. It's out on the table toy shelf and Drake gets it out at least 5 times a day.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

And the Winner is....

BixiandGoxi said...

The "Red Flower" is so lovely, but I also love the Button necklaces (especially the Black one) - they are so unique!

BixiandGoxi will you please email your address and choice of necklace to

If you didn't win make sure and check out the shop and pick out a pieces for that unique friend, sister, daughter or mother!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Last Chance!

I'm closing the giveaway tonight! Good Luck to everyone who entered!I'm closing it at midnight so you still have time to enter if you haven't:)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What's Out Wednesday!

Floor Toys
My little sister got this cleaning set for Drake's birthday. This type of toy could easily become one of those tings that get lost in the bottom of a toy box because a child will loose interest quickly if all they do is press the buttons. Instead I set it up with little clothes to iron and cut up pieces of felt to sweep up. I also gave plenty dramatic demonstrations! They have been loving it!
Science and Discovery Table
Magnetic Color Sorting Puzzle. I borrowed this from my sister Misty(the one doing the giveaway). Caden loves it and is very good at it which is surprising because it is a bit tricky even for me:) 3 or 4 of them will stick together so you have to try and get them alone. It's a great challenge for him.
Sensory Tub
colored rice with square nesting cups and little pots

I've put out a few Christmas books but most of ours are in storage :( I'm going to have to get to the library soon.
Table Toys
pop together vehicles in a wooden SNOW basket, sorting tiny Christmas presents by color (dollar store), transferring holiday erasers with tongs from a basket to a cup, puzzles and connect four.


2 more days to enter the giveaway!!!! You could win anyone of these Beautiful necklaces! These would make perfect one of a kind Christmas gifts!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Drake!!!!!

My sweet Drake is 2 years old today! I wanted to write a few words to him on his spacial day so that he can read it one day!

You make me smile everyday!! You are so feisty! Everyone who knows you has a nickname for you because you are just so likable! I love how you swoon when you see baby girls and how you stick your chest out when guys are around! I love your love for the outdoors. When ever we get outside you quietly walk around collecting flowers and rocks and bringing them to us! I am so grateful that you are my son and that I am your mother! You add so much fun to our family! Happy Birthday Sweet boy! I love you.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


There are a few more days to enter the giveaway!!!!! Leave a comment on the original post!!!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


My sister Misty is having her Grand Opening of her Etsy Shop! She makes beautiful one of a kind jewelry. She never makes the same piece twice! She is generously giving one of you, my blog readers, a chance to win one of her pieces!

Here's what Misty had to say about her shop:

"Each pieces of Jewelry I create is made on a whim, hence the name "Misty on a Whim". You are guaranteed to be the only one wearing your piece because I make no two alike. I love to be creative and pour whatever I am feeling into the piece I am working on. I get my inspiration from little things that others have overlooked and I see something beautiful in them, like random buttons and singled out pendents. I purchase a lot of my beads at a local Bead Museum. My love for beads has been in me for so long that seeing someone honoring them and persevering them makes me happy. I will be donating 1 dollar from each sale to my local bead museum to keep this beautiful art alive. Thank You for taking the time to browse my shop."
I love so much about her Jewelry and I think you will to. These pieces make such wonderful one of a kind gifts for the holidays. I love that Misty packages them so beautifully with hand selected papers along with a beautiful card to write a note to that special friend, sister, daughter or mother.
Here is how the giveaway will work. One winner will be chosen via That winner will be able to choose ANY piece from Misty's shop! Don't wait to see if you'll win because the necklace you want might be gone! If you win and you had already purchased a piece then you will be reimbursed in full for your purchase or you can pick and additional piece! If you win and you hadn't purchased a necklace then you will be able to choose form what is left in the shop!

Here's how to enter:

Leave a separate Comment for Each Point!!
1 point- Visit Misty's Etsy Shop and leave a comment with your favorite piece and your email (or have your email enabled by blogger) This is a mandatory comment in order to win:)

Extra points!!!!!!

1 point- Follow this blog! Leave a comment saying "I Follow!"

1 point- Blog about this giveaway and leave the link to your blog in a comment!

1 point- Facebook about this giveaway and leave a comment saying that you "facebooked" :)

You have the possibility of 4 points. I will be using so make sure that you leave a separate comment for each point. The giveaway will end December 2nd at Midnight and the winner will be announced December 3rd at Noon! Good Luck!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sorting Holiday Erasers

I put out four different shapes of the erasers and this tray that I got at the dollar store. I demonstrated how the activity was done then placed it on the shelf. Caden has done it twice but it was far too easy for him. I had my two nieces (3 years old) over and they enjoyed it and it was a bit of a challenge for them. Drake has yet to try it but I might get it out today during our 1 on 1 time.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Turkey Family!!

For Family Home Evening tonight we talked about being thankful. We also made this Turkey Family! We are vegetarians so we talked about what the Turkeys needed to be happy. After we all did a hand print I pinned it up on the wall and asked them what our turkeys needed; feet, eyes, beaks, water, grass, the Sun. The boys loved watching me paint and "take care" of the turkeys. Caden said they needed water so I painted some, then he said, "Oh, Jack's little turkey doesn't have any water". So Cute! So, I painted Jack's turkey (top one with no mature feathers, he's a baby after all) some water. It was a fun activity and it look so cute hanging in our dining room! And Just for the record; Daddy is first and he is kissing Mommy and then from the bottom it's Caden, Drake, then Jack. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Holiday Counters

Picked these up at the dollar tree today!
Holiday erasers, tiny silver bells, and tiny little presents! We will use them for counting, sorting, transferring and whatever else we can think of! My amazing mother(in law but she is more like my Mother then she is "in Law") Picked up the eraser for the boys and I grabbed another pack so we would have 24. Ramble, ramble, go get some:)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sorting Stones

This is a favorite activity right now. It's the first time we have used a magnifying glass. The activity is to match the stones and then use the magnifying glass to study the similarities and differences.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


The Boys used these large Styrofoam sheets from a package, that Caden received for his birthday, to paint. They look so cool up on the wall. They remind me of large canvases! So cool and the boys were so proud. Top Drake Bottom Caden:)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Birthday Cake!

My sister Summer made this cake for Caden's birthday. She got the tutorial at this crafty blog, One Ginormous Adventure. Just wanted to share in case there are other little car obsessed boys out there! I'm sure there are a few;) P.S. It was soooo Yummy! Thank You Aunt Summer!

What's Out Wednesday!

I'm just going to post about our Science and Discovery Table today:) The other shelves have been attacked by birthday presents:)

On our Science and discovery table we have our pretend Grocery store. We've been having a lot of fun. When they want to play I get down a bowl of pennies and we take turns shopping with our grocery basket and being the clerk. Caden loved being the clerk and saying things like "Would you like a bag?" or "Have a nice day!". We use the pennies to pay. We say "that will be five pennies please" and then count them into the clerks hand:) So fun and it is helping Caden understand the use of money to pay for things we need and some counting practice. Drake hasn't wanted to play yet but I hoping as it is out for a while he will invite me to shop:)
We also had some fun matching the fruits and veggies to this farm book we got from grandma Packer:) Thanks Grandma!

Monday, November 16, 2009


A commenter pointed out that I got the thickness of the dowel wrong on the spinny speller. It's fixed now if you would like to check it again. The correct thickness is 1/4 in! Sorry and thank you for pointing it out:)

Cape For Caden!

My present to Caden was this Cape! He loved it and that made me very happy!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Party Favors

Caden had his party this Saturday and it was GREAT! So much fun! I'm going to post all week about some of the particulars:) First, The favors!

I wanted to do something that Caden could be really involved with! He and Drake helped me make six different kinds of play dough, scented lime, lemon, cherry, orange, grape, and glitter blue! We rolled them into balls and put one of each color on a long strip of plastic wrap. Then we twisted them and tied them in a ring.

We stuffed the bags(dollar store) with red shiny stuff(dollar store) and then put a ring of play dough in each one.

We used glue and glitter to make gift tags with the first letter of each child's name.

We also bought one inch dowels and I had Nate cut them into 5 inch pieces to use as rolling pins. I forgot to take a final picture but you can see them in the background of this picture of Jack with Grandpa Packer:)