Thursday, December 10, 2009

Drake's Birthday Cake!

I forgot to post about Drake's birthday cake! My sister, Summer, designed and made it! It could be easily adapted to be horses, giraffes, elephants or any other animal that your child likes! Drake loved it! The green is piped on green stars and she warmed up some blue icing so that it pooled out like a little pond. The rocks are chocolate chips:) So Fun and pretty simple to put together:)


  1. What a great sister you have to make such a fun and yummy looking cake.

  2. Hello there! I have been looking at your blog for about a month now and have been so inspired and impressed with all your ideas you've shared! (Many of which I am planning on trying myself!:)
    I have recently started a blog where I am posting about the crafts and activities I am doing with my little preschooler. Feel free to stop by when you can!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Just wanted to let you know that I have an AWARD for you on my blog!
    Happy New Year & God Bless!


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