Friday, December 4, 2009


I've been asked what I will be getting the boys for Christmas and the answer is... A house!!! the Bank accepted our offer that we have had on a short sale home for 4 months!!! Our closing Date is not set in stone yet but they are looking at Dec 31st! Since all of our money will be going to that we will be keeping it small this year!

The boy's are getting hand made blankets for Christmas and some stocking stuffers this year but if I were going to get them some new toys (they both just had their birthdays so we have gotten plenty of toys form family!) I would get these...

Easel on it's a really fancy one but I would also love the one from Ikea!

Wooden Mellisa and Doug Clock Puzzle Caden has been very interested in the telling time:)

2 sets of these Wooden Letters by Melissa and Doug

Can you tell I love Costco and Melissa and Doug!! Cause I do!

also, someone commented about this cleaning set and it's on and in the store as well:)

Talking Cleaning Set
One more thing, Drake's Grandma got him this magnetic boy that you can dress up and both boys are loving it. It's out on the table toy shelf and Drake gets it out at least 5 times a day.


  1. Congratulations on the new home! That magnetic dress up doll looks really neat. I host a weekly post to share toys that are children like. If you are interested, here is the link:


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