Friday, December 4, 2009

A Christmas Idea!

So I have this fun Christmas idea that I can't do this year so I thought I would share so that someone Else might do it!If you do it, tell so I can live vicariously through you:)

My idea is to have a present making and wrapping station! Next year I should have a real art area which I will transform in to "Present Central" for the month of December! I will prepare this year by saving left over wrapping paper and buy those little tiny gift bags when they go on sale for 90 percent off and maybe look for some Christmas craft things as well!

Here's how I would set it up! First there would lots of different craft things in fun holiday colors: pom poms, craft sticks, glitter glue, paint, jingle bells, pipe cleaners, little blocks, quick drying clay, and anything Else that I can think of!

The boys will decide who they want to make a gift for and then create a one of a kind;) gift for that person. There will be a drying rack to place the creations!

Once they are dry they will wrap them and we will work together to write the name of the person and deliver it to them!

I can totally see the boys giving gifts to each other all day long:)

I'll just day dream this year:)

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