Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What's Out Wednesday!

I'm just going to post about our Science and Discovery Table today:) The other shelves have been attacked by birthday presents:)

On our Science and discovery table we have our pretend Grocery store. We've been having a lot of fun. When they want to play I get down a bowl of pennies and we take turns shopping with our grocery basket and being the clerk. Caden loved being the clerk and saying things like "Would you like a bag?" or "Have a nice day!". We use the pennies to pay. We say "that will be five pennies please" and then count them into the clerks hand:) So fun and it is helping Caden understand the use of money to pay for things we need and some counting practice. Drake hasn't wanted to play yet but I hoping as it is out for a while he will invite me to shop:)
We also had some fun matching the fruits and veggies to this farm book we got from grandma Packer:) Thanks Grandma!


  1. We have also discovered the joys of setting up shop in our living area. My daughter loves to count out the money too.

    The matching book looks like fun. A great present.

  2. This sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to practice counting, learn about money, lots of stuff! I'll have to do something similar with M!


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