Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What's Out Wednesday!

We have a new area this week!

The Dress Up Area!
Some of you might think that boys aren't into dress up as much as girls but they are(OK, maybe not as much but they are interested!). I think you just have to put out things that interest them. What we have out right now is; trick or treat bags, Halloween costumes, beads, a yellow purse(someone gave this to me with a plant in it and the boys think it is excellent for toting cars about!) cow boy hat, cowboy boots, and a basket with cell phones, keys, wallets, glasses and an old Ipod.
Table Toys
wood jar and stones for filling and spilling, card stock squares with sticker sheets, square nesting cups, ring sorting game(dollar store), puzzles, transferring Halloween erasers with tongs.

Floor Toys
Solar System floor puzzle(Caden is so interested in the planets, the Sun and the Moon so we are going to do more with them soon), stacking cubes, Drake's favorite Dinosaur(It was Nate's when he was a little boy:), shape sorter, and big foam blocks(they are finally into these!)

Sensory Tub

Tiny pumpkins(thank you Grandma) and black beans

Science and Discovery Table
...or what's left of it! The boys have had a ball carving this little pumpkin to bits!!

We also have out the good old wagons full of cars and a homemade cardboard ramp thing.


  1. B loves to dress up too. I've kept it to just hats and masks so far and I put a cheap mirror next to it. It is so fun to get the costumes 75% off after Halloween!

  2. Your post reminded me, what happen to all the things from the CDC? Those square nesting cups reminded me. I hope you and the other teachers were able to get some of it. Sad times.

  3. I'd just like to say, I LOVE this.. I'm thinking of taking some of your ideas and incorporating them in our home as it's been a disaster area, more and more toys keep coming in and we have no where left to put them! Great site, I love this site and I visit it often.


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