Monday, November 23, 2009

Turkey Family!!

For Family Home Evening tonight we talked about being thankful. We also made this Turkey Family! We are vegetarians so we talked about what the Turkeys needed to be happy. After we all did a hand print I pinned it up on the wall and asked them what our turkeys needed; feet, eyes, beaks, water, grass, the Sun. The boys loved watching me paint and "take care" of the turkeys. Caden said they needed water so I painted some, then he said, "Oh, Jack's little turkey doesn't have any water". So Cute! So, I painted Jack's turkey (top one with no mature feathers, he's a baby after all) some water. It was a fun activity and it look so cute hanging in our dining room! And Just for the record; Daddy is first and he is kissing Mommy and then from the bottom it's Caden, Drake, then Jack. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

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