Friday, November 6, 2009

Transferring Fruit!

Drake loved transferring the Halloween erasers so while I was at the Target dollar spot...
... I saw these! They are so cute!! I thought the would be perfect for tongs. I bought three baskets(dollar each!). I bought two baskets of fruit and one basket of Veggies. For the activity I only used one set of fruit but used both baskets. For those of you who don't know about transferring with tongs: The idea is to use the tongs to transfer the fruit from one basket to the other. It is simple and yet they are practicing so many skills(strengthening hand muscles, concentration, empty vs. full, fruit identification, and colors!)
Here are the veggies and the other set of fruit
Me and Caden also played grocery store! More on that later but it was so fun!!


  1. I saw these at the dollar spot too but didn't think of using them for that. Great idea!
    In this Saturdays "Baby Activity" post, I linked up to your Cheap Baby Gym idea. I used your picture since baby N isn't born yet. I hope that is ok. If not, let me know! Have a great weekend.

  2. I see a ton of people posting about transferring activities but I've never done it and am not truly certain I understand the point. Thanks for explaining why you do it, now my only question is, what age are your boys when they play with this? I think my daughter might be to old for this already. thanks!

  3. What a great way to use those baskets! I saw them too, but never thought of this. M has some play food already and I think I'll make up something similar for him to do. Maybe a veggie/fruit sort even. :) Thanks for the idea!

  4. ok, i officially read your whole blog in one night. i have two boys, 4 and 2. feel like the youngest gets left out. also, our house is tight and you inspired me on what can be done in smaller spaces. i am definitely coming back each day to see what else you are up to! thanks!


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