Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Birthday Tradition!

We decided to start a new Birthday Tradition! I thought of this so long ago but kept forgetting to start it! The tradition will be a birthday photo with all of their favorite things! The caption will read...
"You set your cars out all by yourself, you built a block tower, we put on your favorite computer game "Blaster", you had your foot in your wagon, you were sitting on your dinosaur blanket, you were holding "Blankie Duck", you loved gluing and cutting, you were reading your "Sam" book all by yourself, you had the book "One Ted Falls Out of Bed" memorized, and your favorite puzzle was the giant Solar System one!"


  1. Love, love, LOVE this idea! My little guy is turning 4 next month and I just showed my husband this post and he agrees that we HAVE to do this. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love traditions and this one is just great! :)


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