Saturday, November 21, 2009

Holiday Counters

Picked these up at the dollar tree today!
Holiday erasers, tiny silver bells, and tiny little presents! We will use them for counting, sorting, transferring and whatever else we can think of! My amazing mother(in law but she is more like my Mother then she is "in Law") Picked up the eraser for the boys and I grabbed another pack so we would have 24. Ramble, ramble, go get some:)


  1. It's a real joy finding and buying things we can use with children! :)

  2. This is so fun, and you have a great mother-in-law! I always get excited about this kind of thing too, and these are super-cute!!

  3. Thanks for the idea! I have seen those at Dollar Tree, but I thought if I got them they'd just be more junk laying around. What a great idea to use them for counting and sorting! I will definitely be adding this to my plans for the holidays!


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