Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Caden!!!!

My Baby is 3 years old!!!! His party is this Saturday! How did that happen! I just wanted write a few words to my sweet boy so that one day he can look at it and know how much I love him!

I love you so much! You made me a mom! I have loved every minute of raising you! Thank you for being so loving and kind to your family! You are such a wonderful big brother. Drake and Jack love you and look up to you so much. Thank you for being so eager to learn! It is so fun watching you explore and get excited when you discover something new. I love that you are so eager to help me with all of my chores and so willing to help your brothers! You make me laugh so often, some of the things you say are so funny!! You are wonderful! I am so glad that I am your Mommy!
Love You,


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