Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween not over!

So here are my 2 reasons for doing holiday themed activities.

1-It helps them understand and have fun with the Holiday and get excited for it to come.

2-Is to use the excitement of that holiday to help them practice skills.

Well, number one worked perfectly. The boys were very excited for Halloween. Number 2 worked well too but the boys weren't really sure what Halloween was! Now that they have experienced it they are so excited! So it would be silly to put it all away now! Not us! We are going to use that excitement to have all kinds of fun learning! Here's a little of what we've done today!

Writing with our new Pumpkin Pencil! Thank you Grandma!

Using our Halloween erasers for um...Counting:)
Mini Pumpkin Carving! (cheap! after Holloween!)
Making a pumpkin shape sorter! Caden loved this one!!

Dressing up in our costumes, with a few extra accessories!

Plus! You can get so many thing for so cheap after Halloween!


  1. That is pretty smart. They wouldn't know until after and continueing Holloween activities helps them process the day. I love it!

  2. Great idea! Your right! Everything is on sale. We either take it home and use it right then or save it for next year.

  3. I like the pumpkin shape sorter - such a great idea.

  4. Beautifil ideas and activities! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi,
    I like your blog. Your ideas are wonderful. My son is 9 months old. I am wondering if you have any ideas for his age? I believe that Jack is 7 months. What sort of activities do you do for him?

  6. Hi, thanks so much for your great blog! I read it from my little house all the way over here in New Zealand and even though I'm also a teacher, you have been such an inspiration! I've made some great activities for my girls and we have such great fun with your ideas! (although I'm still baffled as to how you fit everything into your day!)Anyway, thankyou! Sacha


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