Thursday, November 26, 2009


My sister Misty is having her Grand Opening of her Etsy Shop! She makes beautiful one of a kind jewelry. She never makes the same piece twice! She is generously giving one of you, my blog readers, a chance to win one of her pieces!

Here's what Misty had to say about her shop:

"Each pieces of Jewelry I create is made on a whim, hence the name "Misty on a Whim". You are guaranteed to be the only one wearing your piece because I make no two alike. I love to be creative and pour whatever I am feeling into the piece I am working on. I get my inspiration from little things that others have overlooked and I see something beautiful in them, like random buttons and singled out pendents. I purchase a lot of my beads at a local Bead Museum. My love for beads has been in me for so long that seeing someone honoring them and persevering them makes me happy. I will be donating 1 dollar from each sale to my local bead museum to keep this beautiful art alive. Thank You for taking the time to browse my shop."
I love so much about her Jewelry and I think you will to. These pieces make such wonderful one of a kind gifts for the holidays. I love that Misty packages them so beautifully with hand selected papers along with a beautiful card to write a note to that special friend, sister, daughter or mother.
Here is how the giveaway will work. One winner will be chosen via That winner will be able to choose ANY piece from Misty's shop! Don't wait to see if you'll win because the necklace you want might be gone! If you win and you had already purchased a piece then you will be reimbursed in full for your purchase or you can pick and additional piece! If you win and you hadn't purchased a necklace then you will be able to choose form what is left in the shop!

Here's how to enter:

Leave a separate Comment for Each Point!!
1 point- Visit Misty's Etsy Shop and leave a comment with your favorite piece and your email (or have your email enabled by blogger) This is a mandatory comment in order to win:)

Extra points!!!!!!

1 point- Follow this blog! Leave a comment saying "I Follow!"

1 point- Blog about this giveaway and leave the link to your blog in a comment!

1 point- Facebook about this giveaway and leave a comment saying that you "facebooked" :)

You have the possibility of 4 points. I will be using so make sure that you leave a separate comment for each point. The giveaway will end December 2nd at Midnight and the winner will be announced December 3rd at Noon! Good Luck!


  1. I think you meant December 2. Its a bit past Nov. 2. I am a follower of your blog. I would love to pick out a necklace. You still have to pick out a pair of earings from my site since you won my giveaway.

  2. How exciting. I would love to participate! I am super impressed with Misty for doing this, good for her! I hope that I do this right! My fingers are crossed!

  3. (I think I did this wrong...don't hate me...its because I'm pregnant. I'm going to use that excuse). I like the green ora or the green bling. Can't go wrong with green! Good luck Misty with everything! I will try to tell others about your site!

  4. Wow! Thanks for the giveaway!!! I love the Black Buttons necklace set. It is beautiful!!!


  5. The "Red Flower" is so lovely, but I also love the Button necklaces (especially the Black one) - they are so unique!

  6. I wanted to be different and not choose the Green Bling, but it really is my favorite! I also like the Life Lite and red flower though!

    I don't know if my email is enabled, so here it is:
    crazydavises at gmail dot com

  7. And I'm now following your blog :)

  8. Thanks for the give away and showing of your sister's great site! I love the maroon ribbon set!

  9. I follow your blob on Google Reader! Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. I love the Turquoise Round up. Although, I really like them all and would be happy with any of them! =)

  11. I'm a follower.

  12. I like the Peace Love and Flowers set.


I LOVE reading your comments and try to respond to each and every one!

So, please make sure your email address is set up with your profile so that I am able to respond to you. :)

How to enable your e-mail: BLOGGER ACCOUNTS: To do this, click on your Dashboard, click on EDIT PROFILE and place a checkmark next to SHOW MY EMAIL ADDRESS, and finally scroll to the bottom and click SAVE PROFILE