Wednesday, November 4, 2009

DIY Spinny Speller

I made this "Spinny Speller" after seeing it at the Let's Explore Shop! If you can't make your own I recommend buying one. It is a great tool for learning the connection between sounding out letters and forming words.
If you want to make your own...
You need:
5 1in wood cubes
1- 4 1/2in long, 1/4in thick wooden dowel
A drill with a 1/4in bit and a a 5/16th in bit.

Step 1. Drill holes all the way through three blocks, dead center, with the 5/16th bit.
Step 2. Drill holes 1/3rd of the way in two of the blocks using the 1/4 in bit.
Step 3. Slip the three blocks on(they should spin freely)
Step 4. Use the two other blocks to cap the ends. Squeeze a drop of glue on before you put them on.
Step 4. Apply stickers or use a marker or paint or ink stamps? the letters I used were, MCBH AEOU GTDP

If you don't make one, I recommend buying one! Also there are a lot of other great things at the Let's Explore Shop.


  1. I LOVE IT!!! Thank you for the directions, I'm gonna make a bunch for christmas presents!!

  2. I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED! THANK YOU! I was just looking at those and I'm all about making my own!
    What kind of glue did you use?
    Are those the letters they use on theirs or are those the ones you decided to use?
    Where did you buy the blocks?

    Again, thanks so much. That just made my day. I'm going to have to get the materials and put my husband to work. =)

  3. Great DIY! I going to make these for favors for my sons upcoming birthday party. Great!

  4. This is great! You are really creative to look at something that you want and figure out how to do it on your own. I'm trying to be more like that. But thanks for the directions, I will also be making one of these, I already have the wooden blocks, Yay!

  5. You have the most amazing ideas! I am so inspired every time I read your blog!

  6. the rod is 1/4" thick? not 1/2", right?

    this is a great idea. thanks!


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