Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Birthday Chain

This is a classic! Caden and I sat down together during our alone time and wrote all of the things he was looking forward to about his birthday on to strips of paper. Balloons, cake, friends, Grandma and many others. Once they were all written out we worked on putting them into a pattern then into a chain! Caden is very excited to pull one off each day and talk about the exciting thing that is written on it! It also helps him see how much time is left till his Big Day!


  1. Great idea! D is going to be 4 (gulp) next month.

  2. I love all your activities and wondered as I begin Christmas shopping for 2 year old twin boys what are your "must have" toys for that age? I'd love so a post about that :)

  3. What a fun, vusual birthday countdown.


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