Thursday, October 1, 2009

Zoo Fun!

We went to the zoo last weekend using our free cultural pass that we got from the library. We had so much fun stayed for well over 5 hours!! Caden had a lot of jun using his own "Nap"(he couldn't say map ?? weird) He loved looking at the pictures of the animals and telling us which animals he wanted to see.

The highlight of the day was feeding the Giraffes!! The boys were so excited. I didn't mind paying the 3$ to feed them because we had gotten in for free:)
That Monday, while the Zoo was still fresh in their minds we got out the animals and little blocks and some little stones for "food". I think it is so important when you go and do something so exciting like the zoo(or children's museum, art museum, theme parks, science center) that you bring it home and get your money's worth(if you paid for it:).Bank on that excitement and use it in some educational experience at home! Caden is not really into pretend play so I decided to play some pretend zoo fun. It didn't last long but the zoo really helped him to engage more then he normally would.
Some other things we plan on doing:
  • Print out pictures of the animals that we took at the zoo and match them to the first letter of that animals name.
  • Pretending that we are different animals, crawling around the house
  • Using the zoo map to recall the things we saw
  • Counting animal parts(I'll post this one:)


  1. So fun! Feeding the giraffes is a really cool experience. I wish our zoo had that opportunity! Can't wait to see the activities you post from it.

  2. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  3. I've been to a zoo that let you feed the giraffes like that (it may very well have been the same zoo - from what I can see it looks very similar - anyway, it was so much fun! Looks like your little guys had a blast!


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