Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What's Out Wednesday!

Computer Area
Caden spent some time on my computer this week playing this pumpkin game on
Floor Toys
Giant Solar System puzzle (Caden is loving the Solar System right now!), Stacking Cubes, Pound a Peg, and their two wagons full of cars:)
Science and Discovery Area
We've had our Pumpkin out all week! Before we carved it we guessed what was in side (food was the popular opinion). The boys had several days to explore the color, texture, size, weight, and rollability:) They loved it!! Monday night we cut it open during FHE and then we carved a face together in the morning. Now they have been exploring it further, tracing the out lines of the face, putting things in it, and banging on it like a drum:) Oh, and there's a sink or float bottle:)

Table Toys
Connector Toys, Pretend Sandwhich (Drake's Fave), Stringing Felt, Shape puzzle in a Bag, Puzzles, and Spelling Activity


  1. Wow, I am so impressed! Looks great!

  2. Looks very inviting. ;) I'd like to know more about the stringing felt - what is that exactly? Sounds like everyone had fun with the pumpkin! Ours is still whole, he may never get a face at this rate. :)


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