Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What's Out Wednesday!

I did a playroom makeover this week!!! It's so fun and much needed! Here is a picture of the whole play room.

Floor Toys
We stayed the same this week because they are really loving it.

Sensory Tub
I got this idea from Chasing Cheerios. It's just black beans and fall inspired things! The boys really liked it today!

Table Toys
sorting colored beads, paper clip bottle, Cars block puzzle, puzzles, pop together vehicles, magnet building set

Part of our playroom makeover was two new tables. the computer was taking up our only child sized table so I got this black one at Ikea for 7.99! Can you believe it:) They pull a chair over when they want to play.
We will also be adding a new area...

Science and Discovery Area!
I'm very excited about this area. For now it has this toy on top because I want the boys to get used to the idea that this table is for standing at and that we don't take anything off of the table. Soon we will do our first science activity and then leave it out on the table. Oh and this red table is from Ikea too, 7.99!!!

Our other new addition is this chalk board! I made it myself and I had it in storage so decided to get it out. I will post later on how I did it and some fun activities we have been doing with it. The boys have been loving the freedom of being able to color whenever they want and I love that it is strengthening those hand muscles:) I need to go get some colorful chalk:)


  1. Wow! You've been busy. Looks great though!!!

  2. I love the picture of the moment...the cowboy boots and what look like underwear. That's my boy too! Great room you have here. I'm amazed that you can have it so organized. I have three kids, 6yo girl, 5yo girl and 3yo boy. No matter how hard I try, they leave a mess everywhere. Kudos to you!!


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