Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What's Out Wednesday!

Computer Area

Caden has been choosing Jump Start Preschool for the most part this week. This is the original version not the new 3D world stuff (they all came together in a package at Costco but I don't want to introduce them till he is bored with the first game).

Outside Time

The weather has been nice so we have been venturing outside. The boys have a great time hauling rocks and pine cones around in their wagons! Caden couldn't get up this hill because he had so many rocks!!

Sensory Tub

Back to basics. We have a play date in the morning and I didn't want to put out anything to busy. Floor Toys

Tonka Cars, Hotwheels, Farm Clickeroos??, Small Wooden Blocks, and Big Vehicles. Like I said before we have a play date in the morning and he is a car loving boy so I pretty much put out all cars:)

I also put out the car rug and the folding slide. They love driving cars down the slide:)

Table Toys

Memory Game (New Cards, still a favorite), Sensory Bag Puzzle, "Sewing" or as I call it, Random Lacing Things, Puzzles, Spelling.

I almost put away the Random lacing things because there was very little interest but then Caden surprised me by lacing every last thing and saying, "I'm sewing like you, Mommy!" Needless to say I couldn't put them away just yet:)

Baby Area:)

I thought I would show Jack's little area. I always have a blanket down for him so that they older boys have a visual reminder to be careful. I have a green hanging toy organizer (like the link but much bigger with six cubbies) above that store his toys, stuffed animals, and at the very top some of my mommy stuff (Pump). Against the wall are two storage baskets that I got from Ikea. I love them because they are soft. I have used wicker baskets and plastic bins for the boys before but when they started to crawl they would whap themselves in the face when they would try to get a toy, not fun:(

Would anyone be interested in joining my What's Out Wednesday? Just Curious:)


  1. I thought I commented once before about this, but I can't seem to find it, so maybe it never posted. Where did you get the keyboard and mouse for your son from? My grandson is the same age, and I think this would benefit him. Thanks for any info.

  2. It all looks so inviting (hee hee, that's my staple comment for these posts, and it's true!). I love the baby's area too! I've just set up shelves for M this week, mostly for "school" type activities. We aren't really rotating toys, but I would like to get to that point. I know you emailed me about this, but I have another question... M knows the "spot" for all of his toys - each one goes somewhere specific. Not only is this nice for me, but it gives him that feeling of stability. So, when I try to rotate something out and put something new (old-new) in, he gets upset about things not being in their assigned place and wonders where the rotated-out toy is. Do you run into this with your boys? Any suggestions? Sorry to be so long!

  3. I love reading your WoW posts. You always have great things out - some that work with eachother and always that focus on various skills. I need a better strategy for rotating toys before I can jump on board. I'm looking forward to your posts on that. For a variety of reasons, I've removed a lot of toys from our toy area. It's SO much easier to keep things picked up and Turbo plays with his toys longer and more completely. It's wonderful. Your WoW posts have helped inspire this clearing out!


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