Friday, October 2, 2009

Train Alphabet! (revised)

So I posted about this train activity a little while back and then Nicole posted about how she made it more manageable for her son! I loved it! I set it up for Caden again but this time with the letters sorted out into colors. It was so much fun. If Caden couldn't find the letter he would ask for a hint. I would whisper the color into his ear like it was a big secret, he loved it! I even saw him look at the letter but still come to me for the hint!
Every time he put a knew letter he had to sing the whole song over again. At first it was great practice but by the end I was getting really tired of hearing;) I tried to start in the middle but he insisted:) It took us 1/2 an hour and he was thrilled the entire time! Thanks Nicole!

1 comment:

  1. This had me laughing out loud - too funny! 1/2 hour to go through the alphabet - you are a better mommy than I. :) I love that you whispered the color in his ear, I'll totally be doing that with Matthew the next time we get our train cards out. :)


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