Sunday, October 4, 2009

Spelling Activity

A note before I begin on this activity: I love homeschooling! But I have been so conditioned by my public school upbringing that when Caden wanted to learn to spell I thought, "He's too young for that! He shouldn't be learning that till he is in First Grade at least, right?" Says who??? I felt silly:) Caden has been trying to spell for these last few days and it is really funny! He'll see a word and make all of the rights sounds but then say a word that has nothing to do with what he just sounded out:) (C-A-T... Mama!) It really is quite funny to listen to. So I decided to make an activity for him that would help him pull together the skills he is working on.
I started by cutting 6 pieces of construction paper down to fit into page protectors. On each paper I traced a 3 letter word (sun, cat, bed, map, sad, dog) using Caden's magnetic letters(Thank You Grandma) and then drew a picture of the word above it. I put them all together with binder rings and collected all of the letters needed to spell the words.
To introduce the activity I asked Caden if he would like to see me do a new activity? He said, "No Thank You, Mommy". That is fine with me because in two minutes I know he will come ask to see it, and he did:) I took the tray down to the floor, I chose a word, I pointed to each letter and said the names of the letters, I then looked through my basket and found the letters I needed placing them over the outlines, I pointed to each letter as I made the appropriate sound. I then blended them together as I said the word while moving my finger over the word from left to right, the last step is to point to the picture and say the word. "I'm all done, I'm going to put my letters back in the basket and put the tray on the shelf". I then tell the boys that it is there on the shelf when ever they would like to work with it.
Caden worked with it right away and loved it. I was very pleased that he was enjoying it. I love providing him with things that fuel his desire to learn rather then pushing him to learn according to a state mandated time table:)

Here is a video of Caden working the word "map":


  1. Great idea! These are a lot like the Melissa and Doug See and Spell boards, how neat to have a homemade version! Wish I'd thought of this before I paid for M's set!!

  2. Ok I am LOVING this! =) B is doing the same thing. He sounds out all of the letters and says a random word. We have those magnets already. I'm going to work on this tonight. Great idea!

  3. Great idea and on a budget! I agree with Nicole that it's a lot like the See and Spell board. My daughter has something like this from LeapFrog but the cards with pictures are very limited. How couldn't I think of making them myself?!
    You are so clever! :)

  4. I love this activity too and just made 6 cards for my daughter. Can't wait to see how she takes to it tomorrow. I'd love to know all the words you used. How many cards do you have total.

  5. Saw this idea pinned on pinterest and it brought me to your blog! can't wait to look around some more and see what other great ideas I can find!

    Creating & Teaching
    Creating & Designing

  6. I love this! My 4 year old is doing the same thing right now so I'm positive this will be a hit. Thanks for sharing!


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