Friday, October 23, 2009

Reading Bob Books!

Let me start this post by saying"I LOVE Costco!" I wanted the BOB Books because a lot of other blog moms have said they use them and then I researched and decided that I wanted them for Caden. You can imagine how thrilled I was when I found out that Bob Books made special Collections just for Costco! Unfortunately they were out of the first collection so I got the Pre-reading collection and Collection 2 and 3. These Collections are not only cheaper then the original sets but there are two sets in each Collection! I paid 9.99 for each collection and then went to Barnes and Noble to get the first set and it was 16.99!!!!!! And look at the size?? It's tiny!

I hope Costco gets the Collections back some day. I would buy them just to get the bigger size! Anyway enough of my ranting! Caden is loving the first book in the set. He can read all of the words himself. I love hearing him sound it out but we are going to stay on this first book until he gets the flow of reading a book. Does that make since? He sometimes skips pages or words or reads the words in a random order? He is so proud of himself and he has already read it to several family members! I decided to add some pages to his spelling activity to match the characters in the book. I'm hoping this will help him get familiar with the characters because they are used through out the books!


  1. These look so good - I'd heard of Bob books before, but have never seen them. Thanks for sharing! And your spelling activity looks so great and very well put together!

  2. I gave your blog an award. =)

  3. Hi there, I just came over from Her Cup Overfloweth and am in love with your page, I am now a new follwer!!!!!

  4. I have never heard of the Bob books. I will be sure to check them out! Thanks!

  5. A retired Montessori preschool teacher that I once worked with had them and she photocopied each one for the kids to take home! I went to Costco today just to see if ours had them in San Jose, CA. Nope! So bummed!

  6. I want to buy these too :)!! Okay, I have asked several questions in the past, and here's another one. Thanks so much for being willing to answer. My little one will be 2.5 next month. She's in a sensitive period for language. I can tell she wants to learn the letters and numbers. Where did you start in this process with your son? With counting mats and the spelling activity books? I'm having a hard time knowing where to begin.


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