Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rainbow Art

This was a very impromptu project. Caden had asked if he could cut and glue, again! I had some thin strips leftover from trimming construction paper to fit in page protectors so I gave him those to cut in to pieces. When that was done we used the glue together to make one arch at a time and talked about rainbow order. I think it was very helpful to make one arch at a time and use one color at a time. It made it very clear and hard to make a mistake. Caden was so excited to make this and it made me realize that he may be a crafter:) When he was done with the rainbow I asked if he wanted clouds? He had fun pulling the cotton balls apart and it was a great fine motor activity!


  1. Excellent project! D would love it!

  2. I think it turned out great! I love the cotton ball clouds... how fun!

  3. I am not sure if I have commented before as I have been following your blog for a little while now. I though it was about time I de-lurk!

    What a fun craft to do. My little girl loves rainbows and gluing, so I think this would be a hit in our house.

  4. Hi. I came across your blog through a friend and LOVE your ideas! I especially LOVE your playroom you have set up for your kids, and your organization of activities. Amazing.
    I'm wondering if you have any advice for how to do something similar....but in a small space. We are in a small apartment, and don't have an extra room for a playroom. Any ideas on how to set up a good learning environment in a tight place?

  5. This is such a great idea. My daughter is loving rainbows at the moment, I can only imagine her loving this.

    I just found your blog and really love your ideas. My daughter will be 3 in February and it has been hard to find age appropriate ideas in the blogosphere. Thanks!


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