Thursday, October 22, 2009

More Color Wheel Car Fun!

I got my Camera back!!!

Remember This? Me and Caden decided to do it again but this time he kept on adding more cars.

This is how it turned out when he was done. We still don't have a pink car:)

While me and Caden were playing Drake and Daddy were doing this:) It was funny because every time Nate would put blocks in Drake would say "Thank You". Too Cute!


  1. the car color wheel would be right up my sons alley!

  2. I love the cars on the color wheel! I bet Caden had a blast!

  3. Love the picture in the block bucket! So funny! We do the exact same thing with our cars and a color wheel! Well, ok, we did it once. I need to get it out again! Did you find your color wheel somewhere online? I made ours and it does not include all the colors you have.

  4. I love the car color wheel! My 2 year old car and truck loving son would love this activity. We're definitely going to try that soon!


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