Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lazy Mom Morning

We had a rough night of teething and Drake screaming, "Stop Crying!" The boys haven't watched a movie or any videos for almost a week so I am declaring it Movie Morning!! I am just not up to it this morning:(
The Boys don't seem to mind:)


  1. Sometimes a mom's gotta do, what a mom's gotta do. :)

  2. It's totally OK to do this!! That's what TV is for - if you keep it a rare treat then it really comes in handy on mornings like this. :) I hope you all have an easier night tonight!

  3. I hope your little man is more restful tonight. We also have a little boy who is teething at the moment and having very disturbed sleep.

    I really enjoyed your previous post. I am going to check out that computer game you featured.


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