Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I read a book when I was a little girl and can't find it anywhere. the problem is I don't remember the title or author:( I was hoping if I described it to you bloggy friends maybe one of you will know it:) So here it goes.
There's a little girl witch that flys around on Halloween and steals all of the other children's bags of candy. She starts felling guilty at some point and secretly gives them all back.
Ring any bells? That's all I can remember but I remember loving it:)


  1. Hi! I'd LOVE to include you in Pay It Forward! I tried to email you at your profile email and it wouldn't go through. Send me a quick email and I'll email you some info. =)

  2. I haven't read such a book, but I tried to look it up on Could it be, "The Candy Witch," by Steven Kroll?

    Here's a link to the picture on Amazon:


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