Monday, October 19, 2009

Halloween Counting!

Erasers make great counters! I got a pack of twelve of these Halloween ones at the dollar store! The are very nice and the perfect size for the counting mats! I am going to collect some for Christmas, Thanksgiving and so on so that we can shake up our counting practice. Caden loved these and we had so much fun talking about them!


  1. I never thought of erasers as math manipulatives until I saw a bunch at Dollar Tree. Now, I forget what erasers are really for! They are great for this type of thing - great way to change things up and keep your little guy interested!

  2. I almost threw a pack of these in my cart last week and now wish that I had. Did you make number mats for all the numerals?

  3. Note to self, go to Dollar Store. Great idea!


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